White Rose Masonic News

The first edition of the Provincial Newsletter was published in the spring of 1990, under the editorial team of W Bros John Yates, Harry Lupton, Bill Place and Bro Garrett Cardwell.

There were 14 foolscap pages of items felt to be of interest and they covered topics not only concerning our Province but also in the wider Masonic sphere. The Newsletter developed and in 1994, both the Spring and Autumn editions had 120 pages.

In 1995, the role of editor passed to W Bro John B Gledhill of Thornhill Lodge No 1514, Lindley and two years later saw the publication of a brand-new A4 48-page format, with the introduction of colour pages. A new printing contract was placed with W Bro Stuart Cummins of Ernest Cummins, Colour & Commercial Printers, Bradford. The company continue to publish the magazine to this day and is also responsible for its delivery to Masonic Halls throughout the Province.

 A new company was formed in 2003, Yorkshire WR Masonic Activities Limited, pivotal to the production, funding and compilation of the Newsletter, which three years later had a change of name to become the White Rose Masonic News.

 In August 2012, the editorship of the magazine passed into the hands of Bro Richard Uttley of Keresforth Lodge No 7641, Barnsley but family circumstances and business commitments meant he was only to be in charge for three editions. The then deputy editor, W Bro Peter L Doherty of the Salarden Lodge No 3971, Milnsbridge, took over responsibility for the Spring 2014 edition and was appointed editor in April 2014. Articles should be submitted for consideration to peter.doherty@wrprovince.co.uk. Accompanying photographs should be in high resolution jpg format.

 White Rose Masonic News is published bi-annually and is issued free to brethren throughout the Province. The cost of production is met by advertising and support from Lodges, Chapters and individuals. 2023 saw the formation of a new marketing and advertising team, under the leadership of W Bro Steven C Hides of Pathfinder Lodge No 8236, Sheffield. He will welcome enquiries from brethren interested in placing an advertisement in the magazine and can be contacted on steve@pathfinderlodge.co.uk Mobile: 07831 328863.

Lodges or Chapters wishing to support the magazine by taking out a ‘Banner’ publicising their meetings, should contact W Bro Dave Johnson (david.johnson359@btinternet.com)



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